Hubby, MY son, Music, singing, photography, local bands, working out, dancing, friends, fun, family...
Flounder from the Little Mermaid, Bing Crosby, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Jenny McCarthy (her books got me through my pregnancy) , Jim Carrey, cause he should be with Jenny, and he is HILARIOUS, Steve Carrell, Olivia Newton John, Rachel Ray (she can break it down and teach my how to cook! haha), Gwen, cause the last time I met her...nevermind, OK OK I told her her teeth looked great..whatever!, Dave Matthews, Kelly Clarkson (I swear I trained her in Burleson TX), Jennifer Love Hewitt...I think we would be friends...I could go on...
Anything original I LOVE! Hate bands that sounds the same, to the point that unless you are REALLY into them, you don't know who they are cause they sound like something else...make sense? Cause it does in my head...
The Office, Ugly Betty, Friends, Heroes, DH, Regis and Kelly, View, Reality 'music show' junkie, AI (so into it, I abbrev.haha), DWTS, Rockstar, Grease"YTOTIW"...on and on, Trying to watch less TV...
Janet Evonovich is my fave...
Olivia Newton John..sorry, its the truth...LOVE her!