-tall (about 5'6'')
-nursing student
-im a sensitive type of a person
, Godfearing
-rebellious when restricted
-.im secretive
-i do wat i want and i enjoy life!
-EATS A LOT(as in a lot!)
- i can do anything for love( have a passion for it.)
-feeling maganda
-feeling SEXY
- i get wat i lyk and i luk toward it, and work for it.
- i dnt want to be pressured by anyone or anything.
-i love my friends,-- actually i treasure them a lot .
-i want to travel, i wnt to go to new places i never gone to.
-certified MAGASTOS
-i like exploring... i want to discover new things
- I dON't PuT MySeLf dOWn,
- LOVES bags and clothes.
- i like experimentin FASHION....
-CHILDISH(pero feeling matured)
- missED being a child.(thats why i get so childish minsan, hehe)
-enjoys life
- i want to spend time with my friends...
- im happy coz i have true friends! thanks guyz u know who u are! u all rock!
M Mesmerizing
A Ambivalent
R Rare
I Influential
F Friendly
I Innocent
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