politics, politicos, politiques, Politiks...
travel and understanding the world.
good music and inspiring art
tasty food and good company
ASS shakers, seekers of TRUTH, Fellow SHIT talkers, SLANGERS, revolutionaries, your MOMMA, ordinary resurrections, BUMPER-STICKER politicians, legislators who voted for H.R.3162 without READING IT, RUDE boys, exhausted POLAR bears, 21st century SLAVES, WINSTON SMITH, trouble MAKERS, the reincarnation of BOB MARLEY, the MICHELANGELO I once knew, COINTELPRO targets, REFUGEES, graffiti writers, george bush's COKE dealer, lost boys and girls, CHILD soldiers, bull SHIT-ERS, arm chair ACADEMICS,the ghost of TOM JOAD, Christine Louise Douglas…
SoMeOnE tO sHoW mE i Am WrOnG aBoUt It AlL
I will always have a special place in my heart for all the DJs who know how to spin Ragga
i love documentaries
i finally killed my addiction to being innundated with irrelevant information...
I can go on for days about them... about the only thing I dont feel bad about buying in excess
Peoples History of the Third World
The Book of Embraces
and a shit load of other stuff required of me from my classes.... it comes with the territory
every average person that knows shit just isnt right...
"They must find it difficult...those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority ~Gerald Massey"