punk, travelling, reading, writing, cooking, meeting interesting people...
you can meet me at [email protected] just drop me a line...
no hope for the kids, the smiths, government warning, black flag, mo.t.o., young wasteners, snipers, reagan youth, dean dirg, the vicious, johnny cash, carter usm, pisschrist, brain handle, peligro social, los crudos, limpwrist, highscore, fucked up, pedestrians, insurgent kid, los reactors, jellyhead rockheads, regulations, army of jesus, ds 13, e.t.a., vieja escuela, joventud crasa, direct control, jay reatard, career suicide
asian movies & documentaries
pedro juan gutierrez "la triologia sucia de la habana", henry miller "sexus", milan kundera "die unerträgliche leichtigkeit des seins", charles bukowski "der mann mit der ledertasche", philippe djian "erogene zone", luther blisset "q"