"Its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all..........fuck no love hurts tooo much....."!
I’m The Angelic Bunny & im like so kool!!!=P...I love a lot of things. I’m very fun loving & random. My favorite thing to do is hang out with friends & listen to music. My motto for life is “Fuck what they think. Live life on the edge & don’t give a shit about what this world or its fucked up people thinkâ€. its just the way I view things… Music & chocolate is my answer to a lot of things. Music soothes the soul & chocolate is just fucking great. My music taste varies from rock & metal to soft stuff like 80 love & symphonies & at times I listen so some reggae & hip hop (that’s the party time) .I also love rave/techno music….I really just love anything thats fun & catchy. Anyways To me chocolate is the answer to a lot of things. It makes u happy & feel all good & stuff. & even though I’m a girl & suppose to care about how I look & crap like that I really don’t. I would rather eat all the chocolate that I could get my lil hands on. lol. Ook & I didn’t tell u about my friends yet.. I love all my friends & a good few people in my fam. I have like 100s best friends & 4 brothers, who I love no matter wat any1 says. Oooohhhh yea & I love animals they are just so cute & adorable & idk I just love animals. oo & im the most play Bunny you will ever meet …. just remember to stay on my good side^_^.