DBIS was formed feb 13, 2007. Our original founding and still present members of the band, (mike diciancia & pascual diez) started out and remain best friends since meeting in september of 1998 and began playing together on april 26, 2001. Since then, the band has had many members and gone through many phases but the core idea has remained the same...playing music with your best friends to have as much fun as possible. If anything else comes with that then that's even better but as long as we love to play together that's all that really counts. We've gotten both accalation and criticism but we still play, and we play first and foremost, for ourselves and whoever wants to listen or see us play is welcome to enjoy us. We write music based apon what we like and the vocal section writes about things that are important to him, things that either interest or mean something to him personally and tries to express his points through his lyrics. We try to be original, intricate but most of all musical. We try not to fit into a specific genre but we've been called deathmetal, melodic metal, hardcore and even progressive. We hope to be playing together with the current line up well into the future and if you stick around we hope you enjoy.
To Book or Contact "Dead Before I Stray"
Email us at:
[email protected]
Instant Messege us at:
Vinnie - "IamLordDUDE"
Mike - "Skdmike1"