Crossing The Rubicon profile picture

Crossing The Rubicon

Emperors & Nightclubs

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Eng :
In 50 BC, the Senate, led by Pompey, ordered Caesar to return to Rome and disband his army because his term as Proconsul had finished. Moreover, the Senate forbade Caesar to stand for a second consulship in absentia. Caesar thought he would be prosecuted and politically marginalised if he entered Rome without the immunity enjoyed by a Consul or without the power of his army. Pompey accused Caesar of insubordination and treason. On January 10, 49 BC Caesar crossed the Rubicon (the frontier boundary of Italy) with only one legion and ignited civil war. Upon Crossing the Rubicon, Caesar is reported to have quoted the Athenian playwright Menander, saying alea iacta est. This is normally rendered as "The die is cast (ie the dice has been thrown)", however, this is somewhat of a misinterpretation. Caesar, a lifelong gambler, was rather saying "the die must be thrown", as in, in order to start the game you have to roll the dice.
Fr :
César peut se présenter comme la victime de l’acharnement des conservateurs et comme le défenseur des tribuns de la plèbe. Prenant l’initiative de l’illégalité, il décide en janvier 49 av. J.-C. de pénétrer en armes en Italie, et franchit le Rubicon, rivière marquant la frontière entre l’Italie et la Gaule cisalpine. Plutarque et Suétone mettent en scène ce tournant historique et attribuent à César la citation « Alea jacta est » (« Le sort en est jeté. »), signifiant qu’il tentait la destinée. Pour César, il n’y a plus que deux issues : la mort et le déshonneur ou la victoire et le pouvoir. Il mise sur l’audace et la rapidité de ses déplacements militaires et sur l’expérience et la fidélité de ses légions, et se démarque des atrocités de la précédente guerre civile par sa politique de clémence, n’exerçant ni proscriptions ni représailles

My Interests


Member Since: 8/7/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: D. = Vocals

J. = Bass

T. = Drums

Y. = Guitar

Influences: everything which sounds loud and make us sweat
Sounds Like: Some kind of sexual relationship between
Suicide File and The Bronx on a battlefield during Caesar's civil war !
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Salut a tous,Nous nous sommes montré assez discret niveau concert ces 4 derniers mois car nous préparons l'enregistrement de notre premier album !!Ce dernier devrait contenir environs 12 ou 13 titres,...
Posted by Crossing The Rubicon on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 01:44:00 PST