Chef B_Jeezie profile picture

Chef B_Jeezie

In Life few things are Black and White but more of shades of Grey!!

About Me

If you don't know me, sucks to be you if you don't get to know me. But only a few really know me!

My Interests

Girls, Food, music,sports, and video games

I'd like to meet:

Alicia Keys (i will marry her), Ice Cube, Denzel Washington and many others


Rap, R&B, Rock, old school, basically anything but country.


Scarface, Goodfellas, Casino, and the Godfathers, Pulp Fiction, and many many more.


Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, Hell's Kitchen, Simpsons, Family Guy, Boondocks, basically all of Adult Swim, House


Any Cook books, and any Tom Clancy Books