Pope Saint Victor â„¢ profile picture

Pope Saint Victor â„¢

heavenly father... you are the branches in my reach

About Me

My Interests

I DO love Jesus, my family, my friends, listening/making music, graphic design, photography, travelling, languages, art, switzerland, my dog, my fashion, Europe, acting, cool weather, rainy days, thunderstorms, fall leaves, winter clothes, snow, kids, the bible, books, a jetta that I will have one day, powerbook, dogs, Vineyard Chattanooga, Angels Cafe, pasta, coffee, H&M, Sweden, old songs that bring happy memories, being on stage, sushi, worship, YWAM, making stupid videos, argyle socks, comedy, my best friends, shows, some video games, beer, peanut butter, randomness, christmas, christmas songs/movies, having a drink with a friend, movie quotes, the simpsons, stars-space-the universe, jim henson, the muppets, iced chai with soy, seafood, cooking good food, indie music, a smile from a stranger, napoleon dynamite, bill murray, seeking after christ, morals, mountains, being the first person to leave foot prints in snow, vespas, downtowns, snowbirds, great hair, nice shoes..

I DON'T love religion, ridiculously hot days where the seat belt buckle burns ones leg and you can't touch the steering wheel, humidity, greasy hair, whitey tight undies, politicians, tampon commercials.. just wrong, CANNED FRUIT!, the air in airplanes, the devil, mathmatics, the people who take their seat belt off before the plane has come to a complete stop, people that are far too blunt, not having a car, the radio (excpet for public radio), the band creed and everything that sounds like them, cats (because I am allergic... and because I think they are evil), how america breeds fat people, Mandy Moore, bad breath, milk (always a bad choice)...

I'd like to meet:

click images for more info:::////

people with eyes that are too close together, genuine people, people with elegance...


Napoleon Dynamite, Waiting for Guffman, Garden State, Bottle Rockets, Rushmore, The Royal Tennenbaums, The Life Aquatic, Hero, harold and maude, Donnie Darko, Best In Show, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 12 Monkeys, Everything is Illuminated, I heart Huckabees, Big Fish, Fight Club, Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, The Lord of the Rings, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Serendipity, Matchstick Men, Dumb and Dumber, The Incredibles, Snatch, Boondock Saints, The Man Who Knew Too Little, Punch Drunk Love, Magnolia, Anchorman, Kill Bill, A Goofy Movie, Disney Movies ... ok there are too many...


arrested development. the office (american and british). the simpsons. the discovery channel. the history channel. i'm a nerd...


Bible... Anything C.S. Lewis... The Chronicles of Narnia, The Great Divorce, Till We Have Faces, The Cosmic Trilogy...A.W. Tozer... Tolkien... Lawhead... "blue like jazz" and much much more...

My Blog

Vote for me!!!

i have a shirt on threadless! you should vote for it!!!click the image below!i will love you forever if you help me win this! i need it for medical bills!...
Posted by Pope Saint Victor " on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:53:00 PST

the simpsons voice actors

Posted by Pope Saint Victor " on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:31:00 PST

where the streets [have no name]

this song gets me every time.U2 - Where The Streets Have No NameI want to runI want to hideI want to tear down the wallsThat hold me insideI want to reach outAnd touch the flameWhere the streets have ...
Posted by Pope Saint Victor " on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 11:39:00 PST

heeey brother

Posted by Pope Saint Victor " on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 03:48:00 PST


I am currently doing some work for Revo. Revo is a movement within a generation this is redefining Americas perception of love. Revo is a simple concept of loving others for the sake of love, nothing...
Posted by Pope Saint Victor " on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:06:00 PST

Gazelle {for the love of human kind}

Gazelle (the name is still in the works) is a new charity that I am planning out right now. I want to do shows and sell art and just have people give of their time and money in order to help children ...
Posted by Pope Saint Victor " on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 09:36:00 PST

my girlfriend

is gorgeous.
Posted by Pope Saint Victor " on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 01:28:00 PST

the album leaf - this is fun to watch

Posted by Pope Saint Victor " on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 09:08:00 PST


Posted by Pope Saint Victor " on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 01:59:00 PST

my celebrity look alike

I would just like to make it clear that David Arquette is no where to be found. thank you...
Posted by Pope Saint Victor " on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:45:00 PST