It's official: There is a God... and he loves me-
I Don't organize my top 8 by ordering my friends in terms of preference. None of that "Will is number four because he buys me more beer than Kel does but doesn't hook me up with as many of his female friends as Joanna does" bullshit. That's discrimination, and there's no room for that on the internet.
That's why I decided to organize it by race.
But Unfortunately, my mexican/black/women/cracker friends don't come in groups of four. So what you see before you is a highly complex organizational matrix that (soon) vertically and horizontally organizes my friends into the following categories: TINY MEXICANS (arranged from greatest to least knife fighting skills), White chicks on bottom (White either in fact or in spirit) this category is subdivided into "social suicide" and "most likely to be 'randomly' screened at the airport", "man-love sandwich," is thrown in there somewhere. But that's ok, ain't no funny business on myspace.
I'll improve this thing eventually.