About Me
juSt a siMplE gAl neXt dOoR...lOveS 2 jOke bUt dEep inSiDe veRy lOsT.. fOrevEr gOnz gOnz.. vEri tIaN zHeN...whAteVeR pPle sAy, i bElieVe..lOveS tO sLeP aLoT.. mY rEcOrD 4 sLeePinG, 26hRs sTraiGht.. *hehe* lOveS tO hAnG oUt wIth mY cRaPPy fRenZ.. theY r aLwAyz tHeRe 4 mI..**cRaPPy fRenz= gEri, vErNicE, rEiKo, cAmiLLiUs, cOrNeLiuS...**hAtEs= liAr... tHiRd pArtiEs... mY dAd...