Myspace Layouts at / Inversion
Myspace Layouts at / Inversion
tHinK hiGhLY oF YourSeLF, b/c thE WorLd taKes YoU aT YouR oWn eStiMate. i <3 mY goD dauGhTeR meGaN, WorKinG ouT, aRt, naTuRe, dReaMs, naTuRaL bEacHes, rAinBoWs, kicKboXinG & LaX, goOd mArGariTas, buRnT mArshMaLLoWs, SuNfLoWers, caTcHinG fiRefLieS in suMmeR, prEtTy LeaVes iN faLL, baBy dEer, fReSh pePperMiNt, waRm rAiN, And mOsT oF aLL anYthinG FiTneSs reLatEd, Etc...
mY gReAt gRanDpaReNts, JeSus ChRisT, And nEoNe eLsE thAt insPiRes ME.
eH, a LittLe biT oF tHiS And a LittLe biT oF tHaT, But i FeeL rEgGaE thE MosT...bEdoUin soUndcLasH, aLL 80's, etC.
thE uLtiMAte GiFt, i aM LeGend, thE bRaVe oNe, saVe thE LasT dAnCe, foResT GumP, foOtLoOsE, kaRaTe kiD, fRiEd GreEn tOmAtoEs, tHe gReEn miLe, fLIcKa, oN goLdEn poNd, neVeR eNdiNg sTorY, goNe wiTh tHe wInD, sWeEt hoMe aLaBaMa, moBstEr moViEs, a bRonX taLe, loST boYs...aNd reaLLy sCarY moViEs tHaT aRe reaLLy sCarY. i'LL wAtcH anYthinG WiTh aNthoNY hoPKiNs, jEnniFeR LoPeZ, mIcheLLe roDriGUeZ, JuLiA stiLes, aShLeY JuDd, oR meL GiBsoN.
i LiVe oN aN isLaNd noW, so i doN't reaLLY wAtch mUch tV, buT i'M aDdicTEd 2 worK oUt aNd KeePinG uP w/thE KardAshiAns, sUnsET tAn, i LiKe anYtHiNg foReNsiC, tHe sHieLd, cRiMiNaL miNdS, aLL cSi's, mEdiUM, LaS VeGas, thE diScoVerY chAnNeL, HouSe, aNdY miLinaKiS, aNd idK.
thE BibLe & faRmEr's aLmAnaC & drEaM dicTioNarY & thE nAMe booK. iF YoU neVeR sToP LeaRniNG, thEn yoU tRuLY hoLd thE KeY 2 yoUR dEstiNY.
moThEr thEreSa, mY gRaM, aAroN, aNd mosT oF aLL mY bRoThEr cHeY.