I currently reside in Savannah GA. I'm a recent transfer student from Ithaca College in Ithaca NY (I swear to god, if you say "roadtrip" I shall come through the computer screen and strangle you!)
Savannah's nice but i really miss all my friends back in Ithaca.
I'm generally quiet and calm. I am an optomist and I don't complain or bitch much. I'm pretty laid back. "Relaxed and Groovy!" as Eddie Izzard would say. (whats that? You dont know who Eddie Izzard is?...you're really missing out. Google him!..right now...I mean it)
If I had the choice between going out friday night for staying in with friends to relax and watch a movie or 2, I would choose the movie.
On that note I love watching movies. Esp. in the theater. I love going to the movies. There is something about leaveing your life for 2 hours. I love when the filmmaker takes my somewhere and I am totally willing to go along and beileve what hes showing me.
I'm studying Sound for Film and Film Prodction at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) so watch for my name on the silver screen in the future. Or rent "Blood Decendants" from Blockbuster next summer and see it on the small screen. I want to have a career as a location sound recordist or a Foley Artist or Sound Effects recordist. But who knows its always up in that air!
I most certainly have a streak of the geek/dork variety. I'm a fan of Lord of the Rings, I'm a recently recruited (and hoplessly addicted) Browncoat (Firefly/Serenity), I dig Sci-Fi and Adveture/Fantasy movies, Anything Arthurian rocks my world and video games aren't forgein. and The Evil Dead films are just amazing!
I am a member if the SCA. A non profit, historical based medieval recreation group. Among many things I am a "heavy weapons fighter" meaning I participate in the full armored comabt. Want to know more? www.scademo.com
I'm an insomniac...
Theres tons more but I'm sure you've stopped reading by this point adn if you havent then heres a Gold Star for you!
NEW ADDITION (for all you stalkers out there!)
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IM: Philo2727
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