im sensitive. I love my friends, and when it comes to my friends, i'll do anything to keep them happy.i'm tall, but not as tall as i want to be. i'm filipino, and proud of it.
i love both my parents, cris and naty. mom is very religious, and compassionate, which is where i get my sensitive side from.
i'm 28 years old, yet act like i'm 5 years old...hmm, no wonder everyone calls me bratalie. i trip a lot, maybe cuz i skip everywhere. i was a latchkey kid. i fell off the window sill outside of my house, and fell into the bushes when i was 6...ouch.
i believe in being happy in life, and acting upon it...maybe i should take my own advice. i'm an independent girl, yet i like it when ppl take care of me. the more people tell me NOT to do things, the more i do them. i don't take compliments well. i always have tummy problems..eek.i love to laugh to a point where my stomach hurts. i love to smile to a point where my cheeks hurt. i love to cry whether i'm happy or sad.I NO LONGER AM THE ONE WHO CAN DRINK YOU UNDER THE TABLE. NO MORE MAKERS!. i love to travel, and explore different cultures.
i love to take pictures everywhere i am, so i remember the good and the bad times in my's too bad i keep losing my digital cams. i love reminiscing about old times, because i feel it keeps me young, and it reminds me of what a wonderful life i'm leading.
i had a great childhood, and ive been to 48 of the 50 states. i used to wear big pink glasses and braces in grammar school...and quite proud of it...i even played the piano for 10 years and the FLUTE for 10 years..and OMG i used to be in the orchestra and BAND. i love learning new things everyday, and learning useless information.
br i guess that's about all you need to know about me... Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds