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About Me

My name is Tanya which means "fairy princess." Pretty self-descriptive.I love plants, I love all life! I love exotic things from other countries, I love to collect quotes of wisdom, feel different energy from different rocks, grow all kinds of sacred life, I have two beautiful cats named Molly and Asa. I love expanding my perspective of life and thinking whether it is learning other languages, pondering philosophy, physhoanalyzing my own experiences and seeking out exceptional practicioners to learn from. MyGen Profile Generator
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My Interests

Learning spiritual wisdom, meditation, collecting and inspiring by quotes, giving love and service, practicing kindness, granting forgiveness, seeing with another perception, creating who I want to be and making positive contributions in each realm of the 7 realms in the oasis of time every single day - These realms are:SpiritualityLoveFamily & FriendsHealthWisdom / Educational advancementWork / FinancesArt & Music

I'd like to meet:

enlightened ones, anyone with spiritual wisdom, anyone who understands how thought creates and literally manifests reality. People helping me up the laddar of life rather than people with more baggage for me th carry. Anyone who loves to talk about my favorite subjects which I see as all the same topic but in stratified realm of language are words known as: Psychology, Philosophy like Existential, Spirituality, Ancient wisdom, Biology relating to phisiological behavior.
A fairy I saw at Hendrick's Park, Eugene OR


Kristophari, Love, The Velvet Underground, Lisa Thiel, The Grateful Dead, Led Zeppelin, Mexiclanos Unidos, DJ Naveen, Samuraii, Laura Piece Kelly, Genus Pro, Miss Kitty, Everything but the Girl and many other things. A wide variety of genres.


Baraka, The Waking Life, What the Bleep do you know?, The Corporate, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe


I do not even own a TV. I watch DVD's on my computer.


The Count of Monte Cristo, The Prophet by Kahill Gibran, The Hitchhikers Guide, The Wisdom of No Escape, The Miracle of Mindfulness, Buddhist Wisdom, The Power of your Supermind, Life is Fair - The Law of Cause and Effect, Paradox, The Phenomanon of Man, The Brain, Receptors, Quotations from What the Bleep Do You Know?, All of my Quote books and All of my journals/diaries I have kept since I was a seven year old girl. Writing is my freedom and my emotional cleansing. Writing is more of a mental opening of perception, a flush for floating thoughts consuming the energy of my conscious mind and writing is a memory gateway back through neuropathways that haven't been excited since the formation of the memory when I had the original experience.


Those who have survived trauma and abuse from domesticly violent relationships. Who have freed themselves and are sharing their stories to strengthen many others in need and to let it be known that violence is actually an extremely common occurance and is absolutely intolerable. My heroes are all those who respect and love themselves more than harmful relationships. Without love and respect of oneself , thy relationships are destined to be harmful.