unpredictable.., rebelious.., nice.., simple.. & easy...!! doing weird things is my favorite..(u never know!) & never dare to steal whats mine!! "if u hit me, i'll get u, i'll hit u back TWICE!!"
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arguing.. talking.. 'debate'ing.. moving.. protecting.. others, for me to know for u to find out!!!
they...who knows me!!!my friends..colleagues...etc.
gothic, alternative, grunge, electronica, drum & bass.. & song which can be accepted by my eardrums!
Sound Of Music | Gladiator | LOTR | Starwars | XMen | Empire Records | Dangerous Minds | Dont Be A Menace | Legend Of Speed | Young & Dangerous | Gila Gila Remaja | Romper Stomper | Blood In Blood Out
seinfield... I LOVE U KRAMER!!!!
super taboo comicSs.. actualy, i didnt do reading!
---- kRamEr!!! ---- ---- kRamEr!!! ---- ---- kRamEr!!! ---- ---- kRamEr!!! ----