AnNe HuNnEy profile picture

AnNe HuNnEy

If YoU CaN't HaVe It...LeT iT g0"<<

About Me

Hmmm...'b0uT mE?..d0 I tEll Da tRuTh?cge n nga..aSiDe FrM bEiNg A MoMmY, CuTe Po Ak0!!!hahahaha!!j0kE LnG po!...I LoVe TrAvELLiNg, kHit wl nmng NaPu2nTaHan!!....basta khit san mkrting especially during my college days...Pe0pLe's FiRsT iMpReSsi0n To Me?...MaTaRaY aT SuPLaDa...but honestly..DeY RiGhT!!hahahaha..di nmn p0...sLiGhT LnG...Im A TyPicAL FiLiPiNa LaDy...MaBaiT, MaLaMbiNg, MaALaLaHaNiN, MaPagMaHaL, KeReNgKeNg, GaLaWLaW, MaTaKaW, MaLiK0T, MaKaLiKoT......********************************************* ******************== WhAt I LoVe....... BaBy PiNk minsan pwede ring BaBy BLuE,BlaCk & WhiTe...ShOrTs,SkIrTs,PoNy TaILs,BaG AdIk!!,RuBbEr ShOeS,ShiRts...BaBy BeNcH CoLoGnE (BuBbLe GuM) ...I LOVE HELLO KITTY,WINNIE THE POOH.....I CrAvE fOr RIPE MANGO...I LoVe PiLLoWs!!!antukin kc me eh!!!hehehehe!!! ...FaVoRiTe ALmUsAL...TuYo at SiNaNgAg w/SawSaWaNg KaMaTis! ...FaVe PasT TiMe = ReAdiNg BooKs lalo na pg ns byahe... .......MiLk & VaNiLLa WaFeR aDiK!!hehehe,MANGO JUICE,iNiHaW Na PuSiT,FrIeD TiLaPiA in HaLuBaYbAy sauce...weeeee sarap!!,GrApEs,MaNgO ShAkE,ChIcKeN SaNdWiCh,BuCo SaLaD,DoUbLE DuTcH IcE CrEaM,TuKnEnE!!FiShBaLL!!ScRaMbLe!!,BiCoL ExPrESs,LaiNg,SiNiGaNg(ung MAANGHANG),cyempre ICE TEA!ICE TEA!ICE TEA!!!****************************************************** ********** .....AnD LaStLy, im a "HoPeLeSs RoMaNtiC" PeRsOn as Wat My CLoSeSt Friends describe me.......................................................... ..................---"There are some people who meet that somebody that they can never stop loving, no matter how hard they try. I wouldn't expect you to understand that, or even believe it, but trust me, there are some love that don't go away. And maybe that makes them crazy, but we should all be lucky to end up with that somebody who has a little of that insanity. Somebody who never lets go. Somebody who cherishes you forever." - Ally McBeal

My Interests

"Bo0Ks especially romance novel (biography,history books, suspense), MuSiC, NeT SuRfiNg, NeT gAmEs, I aLs0 LiKe TuRniNg Da PaGeS oF ArChiTeCtUrAL DiGeSt...."

I'd like to meet:

"KaHiT Cn0....JuSt Be TrUe To YoUrSeLf.. .=)"


rnb, alternative, love songs ....", All My LyF...SwAy....SuLaT...Ur All I NeEd...ToReTe...MaYbE...SaY y0u'LL nEvEr Go...PaIn in My HeArT...EmOti0n (DeStiNy'S ChiLd version)...=)


"My Bestfriends's Wedding", , Fools Rush In, Notting Hill, Run Away Bride, Moulin Rouge, Cast Away, Gladiator, Only U, Mask of Zorro, Ever After, Charlie's Angel, Face Off, Con Air, Desperado, Last Samurai, Da Bachelor, James Bond Movies,GoT t0 BeLiEvE...hmmmm dami p!!.."


"Ally McBeal, Felicity, HBO, Discovery Channel, Charmed........"


"Martha Cecilia's Novel (esp. ", Kristine Series", ), Tiger Prince & Secret Affair by Sandra Brown, How Will U Know?Sex, Love or Infatuation..., The Friendship Factor..., "Journey of the Heart (i've read this one at the's great!)"