Meditation, Art, Beauty, Kindness
my destiny with a smile
Radiohead, Laurie Anderson, Kate Bush, Blonde Redhead, Brazilian Girls, Grazyna Auguscik, Sigur Ros, Stina Nordenstam, Susheela Raman, Zap Mama, and of course Jariya, which you can check out by clicking on the mini Jariya CD:
The Life Aquatic, When Night is Falling, The Hours, Lost in Translation, Being John Malkovitch, The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, The Matrix, French and Saunders
God don't make me say it. Oh all right. The f****** L Word. If you've lived in LA, how can you resist. How????
A Room of her Own; Ms. Dalloway; To the Lighthouse (V. Woolf), Anger; Being Peace; True Love (Thich Nhat Hanh), Path of the Kabbalah (David Sheinkin), The Price Of Water In Finistere (Bodil Mamsten), A New Earth (Eckhart Tolle)
Roger & Jeanne Buigues