The moVment is for life -:- People ride bikes for all different reasons, everybody takes something from what we do that’s totally unique to themselves. The moVment’s not out to change this, but to unite like minded people that want to take what we would consider the true reason to be involved in this thing of ours in the first place. Although we may produce some clothes some time to time, we’re not a clothing company and although we produce what we light heartedly refer to as our Zine, we are most certainly not a Zine company - What we are is a coalition or a gang or a posse or whatever else you could call a group of like minded people with similar ideals and reasons for doing what we do. We’re united by being part of the moVment and we’re expanding by the day. We now have members around the globe and supporters in all walks of life. The moVment may take the piss from time to time and we may have strong beliefs in what we feel is and what isnt good, but we’re not taking it seriously, so if you are, then you need to take a look in the mirror and lighten up. This really isnt a serious sport and it’s not worth getting wound up about.