Myspace Layouts at / melancholy wind
Myspace Layouts at / melancholy wind
Writing, Friends, Comedy, Surfing, Boating, Bowling, Bar games, Gambling, Pop, & Philosophy.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Techno, Oldies, Rock (hard/metal), Soul, Funk, Jazz, Blues, & Classical. Beatles. I play the harmonica very well.
Mystery Science Theater 3000, Stranger then Fiction, and Rocky Horror Picture Show. and more and more
Scrubs, Whoose Line, Invader Zim, &Conan o Brien and more.
i love books that warp you into it, and i've only read a few of those.
Mel Brooks/ Mitch Hedburg(rip)/ Robin Williams/ Richard pryor/ Eddie Izzard/ & all other people in the world of comedy.