Pezimystic - random handmade stuff and conceptual textile art and design. Minor in Weave, Major in Experimental.
I loike... weaving, sewing, painting, designing, making, sculpting, thinking, conceptualising, printing, digitalling, photographing, making. When i get sick of that, I loike red wine, dark chocolate, autumn leaves, stormy weather, romantic moofies, fantasy novels and illustrations, ice cream, doing laundry lol, playing guitar - I have a band, we are a bit dormant, but I have been known to ROCK occasionally... trees, yoga, music, gym, food, air, holidays, sun, love, life, Matt, people, stuff. 3
A perfect circle, Tool, Smashing Pumpkins, Linda Strawberry, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Opeth, (all this on high rotation) and lots more that i cbf listing.
Fantasy, chick flicks, romantic shizzle, historical dramas.... I just watched Tron. 80's electronics alright.