Babys Ass Tierney profile picture

Babys Ass Tierney

I am here for Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Lazlo Holyfeld


Whatever Nick, Tracey, or Chad tell me.


In autobiograhical order (I think): The Electric Company, Mr. Rogers, The Great Space Coaster, 321 Contact, Muppet Show, Captain Bob (better than Bob Ross), Sanford and Son, Dr. Who, Force Five, StarBlazers, Red Sox Baseball, Captain Kangaroo (with Picture Pages), Looney Tunes, Superfriends, The Jeffersons,Hanna-Barbara World Of Funtastic World Of Adventure, Price I$ Right, All My Children, Mr. Wizard, Old Adventures of Might Mouse (with Mighty Heroes), Manimal, Magnum, P.I., Turbo Teen, The Mighty Orbots, Droids, Dungeons Of Dragons, BattleStar Gallactica, Dukes Of Hazzard, Buck Rogers, Misfits of Science, AirWolf, A-Team, Dallas, USA Cartoon Express, Mork and Mindy, Batman (The 60's Version), Care Bears, Shirt Tales, Today's Special, Misfits of Science, WLVI Creature Double Feature, Miami Vice, Brain Games, Thundarr the Barbarian, Knight Rider, Popeye, Woody Woodpecker, Battle of the Planets, Fat Albert, Richie Rich, WonderWoman, ALF, Concentration, Mr. T and Friends, Spiderman and his Amazing Friends, He-Man, GoBots, Cosby Show, V, Family Ties, Star Trek, G.I.Joe, Transformers, Double Dare, Family Feud (Richard Dawson only), That's Incredible, You Can't Do That On Television, Out Of Control, Night Court, Mask, Danger Mouse, Fraggle Rock, Rock and Wrestling, Voltron, Centaurions, Tiger Sharks, Inspector Gadget, Hunter, Inhumanoids, Wonder Years, The Flash, Bionic 6, Sledge Hammer!, Thunder Cats, Fawlty Towers, New Adventures of Mighty Mouse, Tranzor Z, Muppet Babies, The Real Ghostbusters, Max Headroom, Heathcliff, Max After Dark, Silver Hawks, WWF Superstars, WWF Challenge (w/ Lord Alfred Hayes), Saturday Night Main Event, Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles, Pee Wee's Playhouse, Unsolved Mysteries, Animaniacs, Duck Tales, Full House, Tales From the Crypt, Parker Lewis Can't Lose, The Simpsons, Star Trek: TNG, Hey Vern, It's Ernest, Rescue 911, Garfield and Friends, X-Men, Cheers, Saturday Night Live, Ren and Stimpy, Hogan Family, A Different World, Kids In the Hall, Saved By the Bell, In Living Color, The BenStiller Show, Jeopardy, Seinfeld, Sportscenter, Dave, Friends (Season 1), Newsradio, Welcome Back Kotter, Batman: The Animated Series, Real World (Season 1-3, 5), Liquid Television, Beavis and Butthead, ER (with Clooney), The State, Conan, The Maxx, Daria, Trama in the ER, MASH, Who's Line Is It Anyway (Brit Version), Law and Order (all of them), Freaks and Geeks, Daily Show, Undeclared, Adult Swim, Chappelle's Show, Six Feet Under, Strangers With Candy, South Park, Match Game '75, Behind the Music, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Deadwood, Gilmore Girls, Family Guy, Iron Chef, Best Week Ever, Frontline, NOVA, The Office, Secondhand Stories, Secrets of the Dead, Questions For the Prime Minister, Good Eats, Arrested Development, Find!, Boston Legal, House, Namaste America, In the Papers with Pat Kiernan, What Not to Wear, The Colbert Report, Little Britain, Weeds, Entourage, The Office (US), Rome, Wonder Shozen, 30 Rock, My Sweet 16, World Series Of Pop Culture, Clark and Michael, Dexter, Professor Brothers


Alton Brown, George Clooney, Cam Neely, Gene Rayburn, Daniel Palladino, Dr. Gregory House, Gary Larson, Hideki Okajima