J.L.S.T, call me blue for short. profile picture

J.L.S.T, call me blue for short.

i wanna go to fat camp.

About Me

i miss preschool and naptime.

My Interests

go on.. challenge me FOOL!

I'd like to meet:

people i've already met and old friends, again. because sometimes you lose sight of things and you don't realize how much you miss them until they're gone.

RIP David 'Flappy' Vu
5/12/85 - 2/5/07

Click here for my friends


there isn't a box big enough


+ oceans 11 & 12 & 13
+ Amelie
+ Just Friends
+ the holiday
+ Rounders
+ Lucky Number Slevin
+ Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
+ and more and more and more


+ The Food Network x 10534
+ good eats
+ Saved by the Bell :]
+ the retro sitcoms that youve seen 5 times already, but you still laugh.


+ the rebirth of seeds
+ if you give a mouse a cookie


+ my dad
+ my brother
+ Edna Mode: