It all started with an auction-bought no-named acoustic guitar in NJ my father purchased for me when I was six-ish... Black Sabbath grabbed my brain and made me realize there was something lurking outside this sunny day la la land we float through each day... Iron Maiden then took me on a flight of Icarus and gave me the imagination realm state of stories to be told...AC/DC gave me the road-worthy sense of crude lust...Led Zeppelin showed me the blues orientation of pure rock fury... countless other roots-of-rock bands made me strive to write my own stories set to the beat of my own drum... NON-CONFORMITY ALL THE WAY...Leather,jeans,t-shirt,and boots :all that were needed to create my way of life chosen...I am a singer/songwriter/musician who has either created or has been of a member of the following: QUADRAFIRE / MAELSTROM / DEITY 5000 (d5k) / SIMPLISTIX / FUNKYBONES / BLUE COLLAR ALL STARS / CHAOS THEORY / the living JARBOE (X-SWANS)
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