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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi my name is Robert and I'm very handsome. Sometimes when I'm alone I just look at myself in the mirror and say to myself, "You sure are handsome," I usually don't answer myself but I can see it in my eyes that the fellow looking back at me really and truly thinks I'm handsome, and isn't just saying that to be nice. I'm a lover of life's wheel and throwen down the shpeel. I'm well traveled and well read but I aint white bread. In this plastic world you can get sliced as a square, but that aint my cut. I love life's many hues and with so many different shapes, sizes and colors on the easles back, you can't help but gaze in wonder. I toil on the sea, my mind and my heart, all remain works in progress. My interests lie in the ant rather than his station. I grew up living the life of a gypsie, Greece, Africa, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, and England were all homes to me before I returned to America thirteen years later. Like Bob says "Home is where the heart is" and mine is spread out across the globe. I'm a liberal cat but don't pigeon hole me with such trivia. When you begin to see that religions and governments have brought us war and dissent you begin to see the truth. If we could all stop the motion for just long enough to see the light inside our hearts we could realize that heaven is already here baby!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

There are some cool ass peeps out there in the world today. There are also many that are no longer with us. I would love to meet my grandfather who died before my time. I would like to meet St. Patrick and pinch the dickens out of him be he barren of green. I'd love to get the skinny on the fat from Mrs. Christ aka Mary Magdalene and find out why her gospel was such a threat to the not so Holy C. They say Socrates was oblivious to intoxication, so I'd like to put his ass to the test. Yikes that sounded a bit Greek! Spent moons stargazing with Galileo sipping Italian wine sounds super fine! President Bush just to tell him that he's number one at being the worst. Benjamin Franklin was a fellow brewsky connoisseur and surely would be a trip to sip some flip wit. After reading Yanni's autobiography I'd have to add his name to the swarey. Omar Sharif seems like he has some colorful tales to tell. There are so many amazing people from the past and the present that would be great meets. Not all are famous that's for sure. None the less the famous ones are the folks that we all know and can find similarities between ourselves through. I would love to meet Elaine Pagel, Woody Haralson,Robert Downey Jr. Madonna, Bono, Sarah McLaughlin, Keanu Reeves, Fugazi, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Paul Oakenfold, Einstein, Bobby Marley, Chris McCandless, Robin Williams,Hafiz, Bobby Fischer,Mel Gibson,Colette, Sade, The Cryastal Method, Gandalf, Jack Johnson, Johnny Dep, Khalil Gibran, Anais Nin, Henry Miller, Dave Mathews, Tegan and Sara, Michael Franti, Sting, Vince Vaughn, The Beastie Boys, Shaggy and Scoob, Bruce Lee, Henry Rollins, The Chemical Brothers, Adrian Brody, Javo's kids, Brian's new baby boy, Milla Jovovich,David Sedaris, just to mention a few you all may know of. The people of today yield tomorrow's spirits and I'd love to fly shotgun with 'em on both planes.

My Blog

Twenty Five Things You May Wish To Know About Me

"Twenty-five things about myself you may not have known..." 1)My body is most addicted to Salt(notice how I capitalize the word Salt just like God in the Bible).  I adore it, it adores me.  Salt keeps...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 08:43:00 GMT

White Trash Revival

White Trash Revival   Twas the time of year to celebrate dead souls, dead saints, and whacky costumes.  Twas All Souls Day, All Saints Day, The Day of the Dead, Allhallows, Hallowmas or as most of u...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 08:10:00 GMT

A Bloody Good Time

"A Bloody Good Time"            The gay bars have always provided a colorful crowd or at least I've always enjoyed the subtleties of self-expression that waft through the air of their establishments l...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jun 2009 01:37:00 GMT

We Are a Couple of Barroom Sailors

"We Are a Couple of Barroom Sailors"I wake from a napAnd the same clear words greet my mindThat I say every day upon waking,"Where can I find the Friend?"I cat and dress and laborFor only one reason,B...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jun 2009 01:33:00 GMT

NIght Light

"Night Light"I float as flotsam tonight upon my mistress the sea, feeling a loneliness that hasn't touched me in some time.  Like a long lost friend that I haven't seen in a while I'm a bit nervous to...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jun 2009 01:30:00 GMT

Fairy Love

Faerie Love Dreams of starlight twinkle their mindsFaerie love light sprinkles and shinesPlayful hearts hold hands in the mistMischievous lips make love with a kiss Run and skip hold hands to swingF...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 04:11:00 GMT

"Goodbye to a Friend"

"Goodbye to a Friend"Funny the dull stones life tumbles to shineIve had my share on this path of mineDeath the pick pocket has slipped in his fingersNow sadness and grief are all that still lingersLe...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Feb 2009 16:22:00 GMT

Only Love

Only LoveI have sailed a boat or twoOut on the wild blueYonder to dreams that rarely come trueAs far as I can see From the island of greenAnd only love sailsStraight from the harborAnd only love wil...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 13:40:00 GMT

Breaking and Entering

                                                Breaking and EnteringI use my familiarity of hotels and their employees to talk my way into your room.  The air is sharply crisp as it enters the room...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 17:07:00 GMT

Hey Dapper Dan...

I was wondering something this morning. A friend of mine has got The King and Is song Getting to Know You stuck in my head. Thank you Tracy. Its got me thinking of this world we find ourselves l...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Dec 2008 02:53:00 GMT