Mountain Rescue Vicki profile picture

Mountain Rescue Vicki

I need a waz.

About Me

This is why I love Cirencester.
In our lunch breaks at Ciren we sometimes go and have a drink and chips at Mckenzies in town. And they always have Fashion TV on. And then this one time, I went with Sally and Char, and we were sat having a drink and such, and watching Fashion TV and they were showing these model profiles. And there was this model called Mina, and she came from Ballerussia (yeh I can't spell), and she had dark blonde hair and...and..and...a MOOSETASH. So her name was Mina Moosetash :)

-I take my twist with a shout-

I am a winter girl. It's all about the snow.
I want to be on top of a mountain.
I want to be driving.
People don't always get what they want, but I am happy with what I have.
I am generally full of life. Happiness is addictive, and infectious. I like to pass it on to others. A smile brightens any person and any room.
I need at least eight hours of sleep to function properly.
Sport is so so important. I may not seem like a sporty person, but it is my future.
I am a girl who has to talk. About anything, just as long as it's something. I also need to speak my mind, and get things out before it's too difficult to do so.
I need adventure and risks. Before I die, I will be able to say 'wow, that was fun.'
I am far from stupid...I am sometimes merely just plain lazy.
I listen to the words behind the music.
I appreciate the English language, and the use of correct spelling and grammar.
I love to laugh.
I love to smile.
I love to sing.
I love an adrenaline rush.
I love big colourful earrings.
I love bright colourful clothes.
I love it when we eskimo kiss.
I love how magical the night is, and how the stars twinkle above us.
I love walking and dancing in the sun, and feeling the heat on my face, and not having to think about anything, anything at all...

Live Life To The Max.
Experience The World.

The Great Outdoors.

Nothing is as beautiful, special, magical as the nature around us.
This is a boy who will always love me! My loyal bodyguard ♥
I WILL get to the top.

My Interests


Music Soothes Even The Savage Beast

'Cowboy take me away
Fly this girl as high as you can
Into the wild blue
Set me free oh I pray
Closer to heaven above
And closer to you

I wanna walk and not run
I wanna skip and not fall
I wanna look at the horizon
And not see a building standing tall
I wanna be the only one
For miles and miles
Except for maybe you
And your simple smile

Oh it sounds good to me
Yeah it sounds so good to me..'

I actually can't wait..!!


Reading in a swimmingpool on holiday is the best...

you get:

* a suntan

* cooled down by the water

* and an educated mind!
i mean



My heroes include...
Ze familie.
Steph Steph is my psycho buddy. I miss her after she decided to drop out of college..without telling me I might add. Hanna, Gin and Laura. I Danni and Millie. The PE crew! (bar chloe, but chlo didn't go on the ski trip :| ) Me and Danni are being ski reps next year in our gap year! :D Alan. I miss Alan, and always look forward to him coming back from uni. He is a great friend, and means a lot to me. We still have to go to Lazer Quest when he next comes home :) Charizard. Piercing buds! Also the girl of the ´bigggggg chicken!!!´ She has been here for me a lot during the past two years, and I love her! Thankyou for everything. :) Rich and Tim. German chums :D Lederhosen! They are pretty amazing. You should see Tim´s is IMMENSE! I am wildly jealous. And Rich and I are still to have our einmalige forstehlung. Hannah. My biology buddy :) Biology would be a lonely lonely place without her. She gets me through those lessons, and she is so so funny! The stuff we talk about, damn I will miss her next year :( Farmer. My very own cunt called Farmboy. I love this boy so damn much. If I am not in my lessons at college, I will be with him...most likely in Mckenzies in town. And we share, fags, food, drink. Farmer´s Vicki´s ... That´s how things go! Sandy. ..smiling! A rare, rare moment...savour it whilst you Lucy and Liz. 'The ciren girls!' We have had immense times and I hope many more are still to come! I love these girls! Lizibet is also my Argos buddy. Oh the times we have had! The best cousins ever! Unfortunately I do not get to see them a lot as they live in Germany, but it is great when I do! Oh Maxiline, I do miss you. Lukeyboy. We used to have such good times cruising in Shed. I can always depend on him, but I worry about him a lot know why Luke! Belinda, Rach and Liz. Good old days *day dreams* I will always love my Butterlinda, and it´s always great when we all see each other again. Samwise Gamgee. He makes me laugh a lot. We used to have an ace time hanging out by the J-block radiators. One cool kid. Virginia. Officially 'bestest Lezbo gfs' I love my brother, Seanyboy. The Gang. Even though I don't see these people a lot anymore they will always be my heroes and I miss them a hell of a lot.
The only fish in the sea for me.
I love you.