Tagging, painting, writing, reading, drinking, traveling, music, foreign movies, misspelling works, using lots of commas, run on sentences, making bad jokes, being cynical, laughing when someone falls down, smoking after meals, sunrises, the way the desert smells after it rains, scientific discoveries, the learning channel, scrambled porn, making out with random strangers. YEO. Quoting Al Pachino as much as possible.
People who laugh at my jokes, I swear to god that they are funny. You just have to understand my sense of humor. I'm looking for interesting people to write about in my autobiography, all types are welcome; your real name will never be used nor the names of others from your tale. (Legal ramifications.) Mostly I want to write about people who have hit the bottom or who are close to hitting the bottom. I want to see the similarities to my own breakdown. People who are addicted to drugs are more then welcome and are in fact encouraged to reply to me. If my book sells there will be compensation for all of the stories used. My plan is to assemble a book that someone who has it hard can relate to and think I'm not the only one. Lord knows it’s lonely down here..... If someone can read my story and stop them from making the mistakes I've made then my cause has been accomplished and maybe I could sleep at night again.
The great thing about music is that no matter what you are going through in life, someone has written a song about it and listening to it only makes you feel worse.
Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas, Rocky Horror, Carletos way, scarface, anything with Mafios in it.
I love the Saprano's, law and order, scrubs, history channel, discovery.
Anything, you know books are like food for your brain.
Antonio Munetana, Kiser Sosai, myself I never seem to stop amazing myself. How did I do that?