FRIENDS, food, good times, sushi, writing, traveling, tennis, Macs, Technic1200s, the great outdoors/hiking, the great indoors/relaxing, groovin...
The Dalai Lama, Jonathan Ive, Jesse James, Shawn Fanning. And if you're one with CHRONIC Peter Pan Syndrome, then you, too. :)
Bluetech, Booka Shade, Mozart, Sasha, Beck, Howie Day
Pan's Labrynth, Fearless (Jet Li), Saving Grace, Crouching Tiger, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Avatar, PLANET EARTH (it's rad and you must see it), Battlestar Galactica, Heroes, Voyager, 24, Lost.
The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love, Road Less Traveled
.oO you Oo.