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Billiards, ButchukoiMyCat, Butterflies, GreenStuff, Mariah, JLo, Beyonce, Usher, PuddleOfMudd, Evanescence, Disturbed, Incubus, NickeLBack, Pasta, Pizza, MashedPotato, NytLyf
Acoustic,RnB, RocK
13Goin'On30, RunningOnkarma, Charlie's Angel, dMummy, Ms.Congeniality1&2, SpiderMan, FindingNemo, 5th ElemenT, Glitter, Harry Potter, 4 wedding&a funeral, My bestfrends wedding, The wedding singer, Confession of a Teenage Drama Queen, Mean Girls, UGotServed, PrincessDiaries, Save By The Last Dance, Honey, New York Minute, What A Girl Wants, The Prince&Me, Clueless, 50FirstDates, Cruel Intentions
Wrestling, MTV punk'd, osbourne, newlyweds, gilmore girls, sex and the city, HBO
Recipe Books, Da Da Vinci Code, Cosmo, Marie Claire