Balloons; Traveling; Modeling Balloons & Body Paint; Health Freaks; Bikram Yoga; Knowledge/School; Children; Business; Working Out/L.A. Fitness.. .. .. ..
HEALTH FREAKS!!! People to Network & do business with. I'm sick of meeting fake people or lets just say I don't have time for it... I want to have real conversations even in my spare time (not that I find any). I wish we rode in trains and rails here because I met some of the most interesting people on those in Europe & the conversations I had, I will never forget. You know what... just anyone with a good heart!! Girls or Guys!! No drama please!!! Don't got time for it! Can't believe anybody does! People to go out drinking with, travel with, do business with. ************************************************************ **** I absolutely adore intelligent people...always trying to learn something new and smart, health freaks are Amazing!.... I am one if you only knew! Love "Whole Foods Market"! & Love Bikram Yoga! Right now just trying to make more friends on this earth and more connections for life and ENJOY EVERY FREAKING MINUTE OF IT! ************************************************************ **** PLEASE DON'T ASK ME TO BE YOUR FRIEND UNLESS YOU SEND ME A MESSAGE FIRST or unless I know you... I WON'T ACCEPT YOU! I am not a myspace collector!
The best music is the real music...the music that doesn't get old that touches your heart or mind in some way...but hey can' deny the trendy stuff is fun. I really like it all... not really heavy music though. Hip-Hop, Country, Oldies, Rap (Sorta), I hate slow jams and dedications when I want to jam out on the week day nights and on the radio it's "put you to sleep music"!!! I guess it's good!
I don't watch American Television.... go to Europe and learn our Television is so freaking censored.
*Kevin Trudeau "Natural Cures "THEY" Don't Want You To Know About" *Super Baby Food * I could put so many here!
My FAMILY and Friends!!! You all know who you are! .. ************************************************************ ****************************************************** People that educate themselves! And those "Health Freaks" out there... that eat ORGANIC only!!!... that don't eat out (because of all the crap ingredients in the food) & that hate McDonald's... that don't take over the counter or behind the counter DRUGS... the one's that eat only RAW (wow! I wish I had the discipline)... the one's that COOK everything from scratch!... the one's that can AVOID ALL CANDY... that use all NATURAL BODY PRODUCTS... that use FILTERED H20 in their whole house even in there shower... that shop at Whole Food's Market, Sunflower, Henry's, Sprouts!...