Jesus,my wife Lauren,not being judged,good coffee,summer nights,bonfires, hot rods,mid-century decor,meeting other artist,low brow art pinstriping,looking at pinstriping,reading about pinstripers,vintage signs,hawaiianna,50's-60's surf culture,skateboarding,tattoos,60s Schwinns,old brit bikes,harley's,swap meets,vintage v.w.'s,60'S CUSTOM PAINT,early 60's b-body mopars,metal flake,kandy paint,flame jobs,drag racing,cruise in's,old skateboards,old toys
some one with a cheap model a for sale...never mind.i bought a 38 plymouth.
latest sounds;alkaline trio,strike anywhere,rev horton heat,brian setzer,stray cats,cash,hank III,social d,face to face,groovie ghoulies,mxpx,bouncing souls,lifetime,old hardcore(turning point,unashamed,strong arm..),comebackkid,throw rag,ann beretta,against me!,tumbledown,gasoline heart,tiger army, avail,streetdogs,pennywise,greenday,dropkick murphy's,tim armstrong,flogging molly,maylene and the sons of disaster,U2,the pogues,surf stuff,some rockabilly,...bluegrass too,slide gittar
American Graffiti. Hollywood Knights.Joe Dirt,80's Movies,Social Distortion live in O.C.,Z-boys,lords of dogtown,worlds fastest indian,
tlc,discovery channel,oh Rob & Big
the BIBLE ,the art of 'big daddy' Ed Roth,I was teenage monster shrt painter,Ed Roth his life,times,cars and art,the new dutch book.,mostly magazines.i never finish a book.
my dad