My intrest include Math Science, for school. i love sporst(but what guy doesn't like some form of sports) music, and movies, and movies about music, and music about movies.
How to make a Roe
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts ego
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add lovability to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktail
I would like to meet....Peter Griffith, we could drink all night till the Statue of Liberty took her clothes off, or try and find the silver scroll. Now he is somebody you would want to party with. But on a not so serious note i would like to meet well i don't really know if i had to say i would say Tommy Chong could u even imagine all the possibilities i don't even have to go through all of them. On a serious note i would like to meet all my friends past and present and just have a good ol time.
I like all kinds of music, it usually depends on what kind of mood i'm in but the majority is music like Hendrix, Beatles, The Sneezy Boyz, stuff like that.
see music
Family Guy, That '70s show, The Simpsons, Monday Night Football, the news any station(got to know what kind of phsycos are out there) CSI, and The Price is Right now thats a classic even if Bob Barker is a perv
Tony Montanna, George Jung, MR. Nice Guy, and my favorite Mary Jane ..