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About Me

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About me? Well ... I am a father of three. Karra, Kelsey and Eli. My girls are twins so as you can imagine it can get pretty crazy at my house. I am currently going through that, BOYS? NO WAY!, stage that every father must eventually go through. I have only killed two boys so far so I think I am doing well. You can usually find me at some sporting event that my girls are participating in, they are a tad bit competitive, don't know where they get that from. :) Eli on the other hand, is all football. He is 100% boy all the time, when he isn't playing football or trying to save us from the dark side of the force, he is usually hitting on one of my girl friends. Don't know where he gets that from either ...I enjoy the simple things in life, I love to travel and have been to almost every place I have wanted to go. Just a few more trips with the last one being the moon. I may have been called a nerd once or twice in my life, but you wouldn't know it by looking at me. You make a toaster sing and dance one time, and get labeled a nerd. Gee, what is the world coming too? I love electronics, computers, audio/video, photography. I'm currently teaching myself to play the guitar, it's a working progress, by far the most challenging thing I have ever tried to accomplish. I'm kinda an outdoor type person, hiking, rock climbing, survival type stuff. I like to scuba dive and swim

My Interests

Football, Cooking, Computers, Music, Movies, Film Making, Programming, Avoiding the RIAA and MPAA j/k, Film and Digital Photography

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If it doesn't sound like a cat dieing in the streets, then chances are I like it.


All Broken Lizard movies Super Troopers etc, Gladiator, Hitman, Dogma, Indiana Jones, Scoop, The Goonies, Good Bad and Ugly, Clerks, Clerks II, Bandida's


Survivor Man, CSI, Terminator, Football, How its Made, Mythbusters, DIY TV, The Unit, NCIS


I don't really read a great deal for entertainment. I don't have time.


I'm now accepting applications for person's interested in being my hero. Please apply in person. Thanks.