Fitting in, listening to music, being articulate, disarticulating limbs, homicidal behavior, exercise, personal hygiene, cutlery, homeless persons, power tools, having reservations, returning videotapes, ATM machines, kittens, a good dry cleaner, dissecting young women, Oliver People's eyeglasses, Valentino suits, a fine chardonnay that you're not drinking.
I'd like a girl, early twenties, blonde, who does couples. Couples. Fifty-five West Eighty-First, the American Gardens Building. Apartment 7C. And I really can't stress blonde enough. Blonde.
Huey Lewis and the News, Whitney Houston, George Michael, Robert Palmer, Phil Collins, Genesis. Patrick's Late Night Party Mix via Webjay
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Inside Lydia's Ass.
A disclaimer: Should any female engage in communications either through email messages or those of the instant variety I shall believe that you fully intend to engage in illicit behavior with said described fictional character and/or profile administrator, or conversely, that you have some morbid fascination with murder and wish for me to describe how I can mutilate your pretty little body. At the very least I expect lewd descriptions of sex acts, or some dilacerate part of your physique that I can fondle when I'm alone.
Ed Gein, Ted Bundy.