Hi, my name is Martin Glitter Tits. I accept all adds. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm told I can be slightly stubborn and conceited, but don't let that get in the way of us being best friends. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but these days I've picked my hooves off the ground and have completed most of my goals. I've seen Papa Roach in concert, Jacoby is so gorgeous. My favorite colors are anything bright and beautiful, just like my shimmer wings. I love you!
Hacked ! 10/11/07 7 16 pm.
GLITTAH TITTAH ! I freakin' love you, kid. Jeph's one lucky guy. And you're one lucky unicorn. I know the USED life is going well for you. I mean, you're with the boys. What could be better ? I love them. I love you. I'm done.