Barmherziger (DJ) profile picture

Barmherziger (DJ)


About Me

My both projects ActXerience and DeXconium

..das böse ist im deutschen brot.. deutschen brot liegt das böse begraben

My Interests

All things around music ....My music-projects ActXerience and DeXconium.....remixing, remastering and my shows as radio-dj


My favorite and supported bands @ my radioshows
A7ie, Accessory,ActXerience, Adam, Acylum, Aesthetic Perfection, Agonoize,Alien Vampires,Alien Produkt,Amduscia, Amnistia, Angels On Acid ,Aslan Faction, Assemblage 23, Asphyxia ,Autovon,Ayria, ,Birmingham 6,Breathe, Boundless,C8K, c-drone defect,C-Lekktor, Cenobita, Cenotype, Centhron,Clan of Xymox, Cephalgy,Cesium 137,Combichrist,Controlled Collapse,Collapse Project, Cocteau Twins,Container90,Cold Sequence,Cyclone B,Code machine,Chiasm,Ctrl,Cyborg Attack, Cyanide Regime,DAF/DOS,Dawn of Ashes,Die Sector,Dead Can Dance,Dexconium ;o, Decence,Dunkelwerk,
Decoded Feedback,Die Sektor,Derma-Tek,Diverje,Dioxyde,
Distorted Memory, Dismantled,Disharmony,Diverje,
Dolls Of Pain, Dracul,Dulce Liquido,Diorama,Dunkelwerk,Dvation, ,ElektronikPunks,Evils Toy,E-Craft, ,E.R.R.A.,ESC,Eternal Afflict,Exilanation, FGFC820,Feindflug,Fields of the Nephilim,Fix8:Sed8,Flak, Flesh Field,Fractured,Front 242,FLA,Frozen Autumn, Feindflug, Garten der Asche,God Module,Grendel,Glis,Gary Numan, Headscan,Heimaterde,Hex Rx, Haujobb ,HMB,Hocico, Hioctan,Human Decay,Imperative Reaction,In Strict Confidence,Infekktion,Interlace,Insekt,Implant, ,Inure,Invisible Spirits,Kirlian Camera,La Magra, Leather Strip, Lights of Euphoria,Life Cried, Lok8, Lujhboia, Manufactura,Modulate,Menticide, ,May-fly,Mentallo & The Fixer,Mordacious,,Mind Confusion,Massive Attack,Mind Confusion, Mindless Faith,Ministry,Nebula H,Negative Format,Neikka RPM,November Process, ,Nitzer Ebb, Noise Process, noise terror,Noisuf X,Necro Facility, Neuroactive,Neuroattack,nurzery rhymes,Object,Obszoen Geschoepf,Observe and Control,Orange Sector, P.A.L. Panzer AG, Parallel Project,Paradoxx,Patenbrigade Wolf,paradoxx, Peter Murphy,portishead,Pouppee Fabrik, Punto Omega, Panzer Ag,Panzerveps,Psychobitch Placebo Effect,Plastic,Psyclon Nine,Psyche, Prager Handgriff,PreEmptive Strike 0.1,Project-x, Pride And Fall,PTI,Rammstein,Rabia Sorda,Reaper, Razed in Black,re-agent,Re:Legion,Red 7 Fury, Regenerator,Reversal Penetrations,Run Level Zero, Rotersand, Recoil,Sara Noxx, ,Schattenschlag,Schnitt 8,,Selfless,Sensogen, Severe Illusion ,Signal Aout 42,SIN,Siva Six,System Sin,Skinny Puppy, Skoyz,Snog, Soman,Soul and Eclipse,Spetsnaz,Sleepwalk,Supreme Court, S.I.T.D.,Spineflesh,Schattenschlag,Shock Therapy,Sequence X, Solitary Experiments, Silke Bischoff,Stahlschlag,Stendal Blast,Stigmatroz,Stromkern,Shnarph!,Suicide Commando, ,Stray,Tamtrum,Tactical Sekt,Taxim,Terrorfakt,Terracorpse, The Azoic,The Count,The Dust Of basement, The Last Dance,The Mission, The Eternal Afflict,The Neon Judgement,The Panic Lift, The Fair Sex, The Retrosic,To Avoid,T.H. Industry,This Mortal Coil, Tyskke Ludder,The Sisters of Mercy,Trakktor, Trisomie 21,Twice A Man, Tumor,Uberbyte,Unitary,Unter Null,Unterwerk,v01d,Vast,Velvet Acid Christ,VSB,virtual embrace,Virtual Victim,Viscera Drip, Virgins O.R. Pigeons, VNV Nation, Void Construct,Waldgeist,Winterstahl,Worms of the Earth,Witt, Wumpscut,Wynardtage, Xentrifuge,X-Fusion,X-RX,XMH, Xp8,Xpq21,Xotox,Yersinia Pestis,YelworC,Z-Prochek, Zentriert ins Antlitz

My Blog

Barmherziger Setlist 29 Sept 2008

ElectroCoffee29.09 2008 8pm-9pmBlame - Unless (Violent) (rbB08official)TAXIM - Clouds over MoscowESC - 0.26 (Bladefucked)Sleetgrout - Pay for my timeReAdjust - Supernatural Ability (rbB08)Suicide S...
Posted by Barmherziger (DJ) on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 01:46:00 PST


My first dexconium-album is in planning. 15-16 tracks are ready, i think the ready album-cd had 16-22 tracks   Album Name is ''adrenaline'' or ''Last Judgement'' or.... i'm today not sure ab...
Posted by Barmherziger (DJ) on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 02:07:00 PST

Playlist ElectroCoffee 17 May and Oct 11th 2007

Playlist ''ElectroCoffee'' May 17th 2007 ElektronikPUNKS - Koenig Der MonsterSpetsnaz - Generate Ones V2Blok 5...
Posted by Barmherziger (DJ) on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:32:00 PST

1966-2006, my review

1966-2006, a review ...... 1966 Constantly, while listening to music, did pull-ups at my parents' musicbox. Pampers full most of the time... 1970 At the Mescheder Hennesee lake: Realized with astonis...
Posted by Barmherziger (DJ) on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 06:00:00 PST

1966-2006, ein Rückblick......

1966   Ständig Musik hörend an der Musiktruhe der Eltern hochgezogen.  Dabei oft Pampers voll....1970 stellte ich fasziniert am Mescheder Hennesee fest das meine Freundin Marion keinen ...
Posted by Barmherziger (DJ) on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 12:16:00 PST

UNTER NULL Frankfurt Live 7th June 06 , Pics

Posted by Barmherziger (DJ) on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 11:51:00 PST

Barmherzigers project ''Actxerience'' is born

Actxerience , my new music-project is now on Myspace , Click this link and listen to Actxerience !
Posted by Barmherziger (DJ) on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 01:14:00 PST