History, Socialism, Karl Marx, Communism, Existentialism, Rationalism, Determinism, German Idealism, Dialectical Materialism, Phenomenology, and dare I follow up Taoist Philosophy after all these ISM's!! antiques, change, cooking, culture, detroit, george orwell, hegel, henry ford, indie films, photography, reading, travel, political philosophy,victorian era, industrial revolution, turn of the century, art deco, experimentation, debating.
I have the greatest friends on the planet, the most understanding and loving family, and the most patient, supportive and caring boyfriend.... I am a lucky girl. I don't think I could meet anyone new that would be as wonderful as the people I already know....
I’m an elitist; I only listen to music you haven’t heard of.
Anything Wes Anderson, Amelie, Princess Bride, Eternal Sunshine, Boondock Saints, Any good zombie flick, any good kung fu, The Big Lebowski, Quills, Lost in Translation, Reefer Madness, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Reservoir Dogs, any good foreign films, anything John Cusack, and too many more to list.
I don't watch television
1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, The Bell Jar, The Communist Manifesto, Black Elk Speaks, The Prince, The Jungle, Das Kapital, Russian Thinkers, Slaughter House-Five, The Time Machine, The Woman Question, A Woman's Path, Woman and Nature, Ford: The Men and the Machine, and Woman's Sphere and Work.I recently started reading Dostoyevsky...and I am in love with misery.
My mother Vivian.