Jesus, my bestfriends, chelsea,Cory,Corey Jean,Abby and there is more to come. =]
Jesus.these are some verses to help me through my days......... give all your worries to him because he cares for you. 1 peter 5:7 when my worry is great within me, your comfort brings joy to my soul. psalm 94:19 those who have sorrow are happy, because they will be comforted. matthew 5:4
Every time i come home from church i think about more ways i can improve my life and my thinking, I talk to neighbors and just tell them my feelings on the Lord and you know what i realize? the more i talk about him the stronger my Faith becomes because you cant just beleive it you have to think it, speak it, LIVE IT, and sow it into others. Jesus is amazing and he works through us, i LOVE talking about Jesus; i have never liked debating but when it comes to Jesus, if you want to have a conversation about the almighty Lord Jesus i will debate my beleif and i will always stand for Jesus, he has never left my side OR yours for that matter, whether you beleive or not...he died for the sins you commit everyday so why not Love him and worship him every chance you get because life is our gift, and we dont need to give sacrifices, just give yourself as a living sacrafice. THANK YOU JESUS.
AIM- SweetCat813
i would have to say my heroes are Jesus, because he saved me when i thought i was Lost forever, Cory becaused he was my light when it was so dark i couldnt see, Corey Jean because she was there when it was hard for anyone else to be for me and because she's an amazing girl whose learning like me with a good head on her shoulders,mistakes are mistakes but if you keep with them they turn into so much more.And Elaine i'd say because she is an Amazing woman who i can learn so much from, and she gives great advice.=]