Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien profile picture

Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien

I'm sorry, "I posted it on MySpace ," is not a valid response.

About Me

follow obriente at http://twitter.com
My On Again Off Again Political Blog
My New Entertainment and Culture Blog
My Music Blog . Visit it and make me money.
Click Here For my personal ad, where i try to sell my self to an unsuspecting public like some kind of all-in-one appliance
Me! On the webs!
Check out my contributions to Switched.com
I need a job ! s Any one who knows of any IT / Tech writing / Web design or web development stuff available please let me know. I'll forward my resume on... The Tech Writing and Web stuff would have to be entry level...
Also anyone who might have some freelance writing gigs... toss em this way... This is now my primary way of supporting myself.
Me on LinkedIn , yet another social networking site, because I'm an Internet whore.
Oh yeah I gots a Facebook too.
anyone who wants to start a band? You know what if there is something that needs to get done or you want to get done let me know... I will whore myself out for just about anything...

I realized a while ago that my myspace profile was horridly out of date... making references to a messy room I haven't lived in in almost a year 2 years, a smoking habit a couple of months behind me (though the desire is still strong). that started up again in January.
Honestly I have very little interest in "the Space" these days... I met this one fine looking myspace whore and thats about all I need from this site... really its all I came here for... whores that is... in the initial plan it was plural... but you know... funny how these things turn out. at the moment my favorite myspace whore is sitting by my feet crocheting a blanket on our couch...
I suddenly feel like I should be collecting social security...
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My Interests

Politics, Music.... anything basically... i love pop culture, art (all kinds)... i just like things... so talk to me, don't wait another second (offer only good while supplies last)

I'd like to meet:

one of the Pats... Buchanan or Robertson
doesn't matter...
Crazy people are fun...

I Am My Own Best Friend.









Other People, Not As Cool As Me.


Pavement, Sonic Youth, Pixies, Outkast, El-p, M83, Radiohead, Wutang, Dr. Dre, Bright Eyes, Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, Arcade Fire, Wrens, QOTSA, Broken Social Scene, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Beastie Boys, Black Star, Mos Def, Kanye West, Jay Z, William Shatner, Beatles, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Ramones, Johny Cash, Chemical Brothers, Aphex Twin, Bob Dylan, Modest Mouse, Television, Blondie, Buddy Holly, Cody Chestnutt, Aesop Rock, Interpol, Strokes, White Stripes, Slayer, Brian Wilson, Beach Boys, And You Will Know us By the Trail of Dead... , Beck , Cafe Tacvba, Manu Chao, Justin Timberlake, Wilco, Dizzee Rascal, the Streets, Nine Inch Nails, My Bloody Valentine, Nirvana, Kraftwerk, Neu, Devo, Minimum Wage, Massive Attack, U2, TV on the Radio, Clash, Pearl Jam, Les Savy Fav, Langley School Music Project, Public Enemy, Flaming Lips, Fugazi, Sage Francis, Velvet Underground, The Mountain Goats, Dismemeberment Plan, Built to Spill, Unicorns, Manitoba, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Mogwai, Canibal Ox, MF Doom, Yo La Tengo, Casio Tone for the Painfully Alone, Alicia Keys, Marvin Gaye, Eric B. and Rakim, Roots, Atari Teenage Riot, Tree Wave, New Pornographers, A.C. Newman, B.B. King, Son House, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, Spoon, Magnetic Fields, Decemberists, MIA, LCD Soundsystem, Architecture in Helsinki, Fiery Furnaces, Hold Steady, Edan, Sufjan Stevens, Neutral Milk Hotel, Rapture, Bjork, Blur, Common, Roots, Cam'ron, Beanie Siegel, Talking Heads, The Great American Scream Machine Band, Stereolab, Clipse, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Nouvelle Vague, Okkervil River, Rahim....

you know this is so long I've lost track of whats on here...


Monty Python's Holy Grail, Requiem for a Dream, Bowling for Columbine, Feris Beullers Day Off, Evil Dead, Amelie, Rushmore, The Point (if any one know this you are the coolest ever), Trainspotting, City of God, Army of God, Clockwork Orange, 2001, Roger and Me, Fahrenheit 9/11, Garden State, High Fidelity, Blue Velvet, Watership Down, Akira, Perfect Blue, Princess Mononoke, Spinal Tap, Spirited Away, Pi, Clerks, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Airplane, Fight Club


Daily Show, Simpsons, Scrubs, House, Deadwood, Carnivale, Huff, The Office, Freaks and Geeks, Arrested Development, Degrassi, Wonder years, Conan O'Brien, BBC World news, does CNN count? Fox News and all their wonderful unbiased reporters, and just about anything the history channel or the Discovery Times channel will throw at me...

someone is trying to make me grow a vagina by making me watch the Gilmore Girls and Sex and the City all the time...
and occasionally the L word... but I manage to avoid that one most of the time


I read em'


Emmanuel Lewis, C. Thomas Howell... he lived the dream...

My Blog

My New Music Blog

So to those of you who may have missed it I have officially joined the ranks of the freelance writer. Ok... so I'm a pro blogger at this point... but whatever!I've got a new blog sponsored by B5 Medi...
Posted by Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:20:00 PST

My other blogs

My space blogs suck.. go check out my blogger blogs bitches.In The BuzzandThe Ethical Wastelandalso you may have seen my bulletin or looked in my profile...brotha needs a job... so if you can help let...
Posted by Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 06:58:00 PST

The Media Made Me Hatchet That Guys Face

I would like to share with all of you this post on our good friend (please please please detect the sarcasm here) "Jake's" (that douche that went a little psycho in the gay bar) page." PRE...
Posted by Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 02:19:00 PST

Top 40 Albums of 2005

1.Kanye West - Late RegistrationWhen The College Dropout dropped last year it was only barely bested by the Arcade Fire Album for my top slot... This year with Late Registration Kanye has proved to th...
Posted by Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 02:39:00 PST

ok... fine... if i must

So at the moment I'm laying down half watching something about Leonardo Davinci on the Discovery Science Channel and wishing I was asleep or thinking I should still be packing. Friday my ass is out of...
Posted by Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i spent 10 minutes typeing out a blog earlier only to accidently hit the back button on my browser... im too lazy to re-type it... you dont care any way... something about apartments, and not sleeping...
Posted by Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i love me

so why cant i be my own friend or comment on myself.. .i need to create a whole new profile for myself just to tell me how pretty i am, thats just not fair. why wont myspace let me be crazy and comme...
Posted by Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

what the...

fuck! so my comments have been down for days now... i couldnt even log in for a full day... this is getting agrivating. I look like a bad boyfriend cause i cant leave a happy birthday message to...
Posted by Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ummm.... i guess its time...

So its been quite a while since Ive bother to post a blog and I decided it was time that I finally get around to it. I really dont have anything interesting to say.  Lately it seems as if I spend h...
Posted by Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A celebration of all things 2004, and one brief peak at 05

The Definitive Top 40 Albums of 2004, as told to Terrence OBrien                         Its strange that sometimes the seemingly mundane can have fantastic results.  Tuesday, I was at work& like...
Posted by Terrence Michael Patrick O'Brien on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST