randomness #3523438970291753928751283751275124857: i finally have a cellphone...and i don't know my own number...hmmmmmm...
someone who will give me backrubs all day and feed me chocolate. aka my husband.
"Why didja sing hallelujah? if it means nothing to yah? why'd you sing with me?" damien rice...fantastic song...i should greet people with a hallelujah...like "hallelujah sora!" who is from kingdom hearts...i wonder how long that would last...hmmm...
i can't think of anything so i'll give you guys a snapshot of Counting Eskimos-the story of June Mae (aka wemmick aka emily aka me) my sister sarah is going through some emotional stress right now so me, mom and her were all having a pow-pow and the subject once again came to my unseemly feet. what follows is a true account:sarah: "Ohmygaawd rachel your feet are horrendous they look like talons!!" mom: "yeah i can't believe i shot that out of my belly and didn't rip an internal organ" me: "well at least i don't have devil hooves!" mom: "nonono, there are no devil hooves in this family"or something like that...the last line is a quote anyway...
"i'm not crawling back to you. i'm proudly begging like those kids who dance on the subway" i don't even watch 30 rock but that line made me shoot snot of my nose...absolutely fabulous...those kids are very talented by the way...almost better than the mouskeeters
"it does not due to dwell on dreams and forget to live" i've used this one before but i've now read all the harry potter books after sneaking them into my house and i feel horribly guilty but they were incredible...oh my gosh...and i love snape...cuz' he's snarky...
sarah cuz she's a pain in the butt but i still can't get mad at her...it's an amazing gift....