"Queen of Excess" so called because everything she owns has to be in excess.
Excess Shoes
Excess Clothes
Excess Bags
Excess Makeup
Excess Perfumes
Excess Toiletries
Excess Books
Excess Lingerie
Excess Jewellery
I like to shop. So sue me?
An eBay whore cum Narcissist cum World of Warcraft Addict.
I dislike posers who fuckingdon'thaveablardymindoftheirown and I dislike those that think oh-so-highly of themselves. Shut your criticism and stuff your highandmightyauthentic designer goods down your trap.
I like Abercrombie&Fitch, Hollister, AmericanEagle, NarcisoRodriguez, JemmaKidd, Chanel, ChristianDior, Gucci, Chloe, MarcJacobs, Kooba, JuicyCouture, FrankieB Jeans, TrueReligion, GapBags, VictoriasSecret.. The freaking list is endless alright?
My most coveted item right now is either a iPod Video/Creative Zen Vision: Widescreen. I know I don't need it. I Want It.
I am a spoiltprincess but at least I admit it.