Reading, Wrting, Movies, Tennis, Golf, Racquetball, Wine, Scotch. I don't like to call it hiking, but rather walkin in the woods.
Those cheerful and intelligent who appreciate sarcasm, random conversations about a wide variety of subjects, and good natured banter surrounding all things.
Anything that is not too angry or too silly. I listen to the words and for me to love a song the words have to make sense....try it....there aren't too many out there.
I figure that if someone is going to spend a hundred million dollars in an attempt to entertain me, well then I'll be entertained. I see the positives in most movies and can find enjoyment almost everything. Recently: Stranger than fiction, Pan's Labrynth (en espanol), 300 ect..........
Scrubs, Entourage, Grey's anatomy, Bones, House, Sopranos, Family guy, Boston Legal, Las vegas, The big bang theory, Pushing daisies...
All of them. Usually reading 3 books at a time, some sort of classic that everyone else seemed to read in highschool, a fun book, and some sort of non fiction/biography. Best recently: Jonathon Strange and Mr Norrell; the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime; the confession of max tivoli. The Prophet.
Anyone who commits random acts of kindness.......Anyone with any musical or artistic ability.......