There are few things that make me happier than buying a used book and finding something from the last owner tucked inside it. I've found that the Strand is fertile ground for such discoveries.
Three of my favorites:
Inside a modern library edition of Faulkner's the Sound and the Fury, a ditto copy of his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, it was beautiful, still stunningly apropos, and I liked being reminded of the smell of fresh dittos.
Inside a modern library edition of Lawrence Sterne's Tristram Shandy & A Sentimental Journey, a note scribbled in pencil that read, "Walker, I've gone to get you some rum. Will be right back. -Peggy"
Inside a 1961 hard back edition of Salinger's Franny and Zooey, a small folded Christmas card that read, "Dear Edna, When you're not Twisting, read! -Lester"
Images below of Soda and his Million Piece Band featuring: Soda, Brian Wright, Kevin Lacey, Matt Spizer, Ben Loory, and Jason Gonzales.
All images below (c) Heather Conley