Circle of Red (K-Dogg) profile picture

Circle of Red (K-Dogg)

A tall sexy beast I am...ohhh yeah

About Me

Myspace Layouts + Myspace Graphics Plain and simple I rock that is my purpose on this floating rock known as earth.. My band Circle of Red is back up and running with a full head of steam and with a whole case of kick ass if your ready to rock just pop the tab....With a 6 month break we could not let one of the greatest rock bands in CNY disappear so after along awaited searching we are finnally rocking out again and already headlining festivals......Hells Yea....

My Interests

Ummm I guess if you couldn't tell music it's most of my life also T.V, Movies (porn lol), Video games mostly RPG's, football, hiking, sleeping, eating. There's more but I hate typing...

I'd like to meet:

Trying to find a kickass chick that supports me and my music and if she can't handle that my band will always take front seat over her then no need to apply.....I know that sounds harsh but most think I'm joking when I say that and get mad afterwards to realize that I'm very serious I've worked to hard on Circle of Red for a girl to break it up.....Again.....not my girlfriend(you know if your a yoko ono).....So after letting a girl actually take the most importance in my life she broke my heart and still blammed the band for it. I would have done anything for her except leave the band, but I guess doing anything and giving everything isnt enough for women huh.....So i guess I'll always be alone just so i can follow my dream, but I guess that is the path I have made for myself....But if you think your women enough to be with me bring it on.....Muhahahaha....


Click On CD Cover

Circle of Red the greatest band ever, I listen to alot of different types of music from Misfits to Sublime to Rage Against the Machine to Brian Setzer to Billy Joel to Bach to Eminem to Black Sabbath to oh god the list goes on and on you get the point most everything but country and polka not huge fans of either....


I like alot of movies my top 10 are Snatch, Baseketball, 40 year old virgin, Nopolean Dynomite, Fight club, 7even, Goonies, Lord of the ring series, Willie Wonka (the origanal), Old School...This is in no real order I think there's other movies I like better then these but just can't think right now.


Yeah there's not much to do lately so I watch way to much T.V but my Top 10 for shows would be Family Guy, CSI, CSI Miami, Smallville, most NFL games, Aqua teen hunger force(there number 1 in the hood "G"), Simpsons, Drew Carry, Who's line is it anyways, Rock Star INXS but thats over but I loved that show.


The only books I have read that I cared about were Music books and this book on hipnotism.....You are getting sleepy lol...


Geezer Butler the bassist for Black Sabbath the reason why I wanted to play bass him and Cliff Burton of Metallica..... Musicians are the only people I really looked up to and would call Heroes of mine.. Actually my old art teacher Mr. T, he taught me alot of the real world before it kicked my ass so I guess I would say he's a person that help mold me into the well respected member of society that I became but thats about all I can think of..