Really love films and am on my way to becoming a film buff thanks to my brother mainly...I love a wide and varied range of music but my favourites would have to be metal, old school dance techno hardcore stuff and REAL punk... this does not include Green Day and Blink... they are decent bands however just don't like the genre crossover...I have been learning to play bass for a few months now and i am loving it!... I just hope that i will get pretty good at some stage...And some other slightly less sociable past times which i won't get into on here...
Anyone with anything to say really i am not fussed as to who gets in touch with me just please don't get offended if i don't reply straight away becos i am ever so slightly lazy...So if u think im even slightly interesting or you just fancy having a chat with some random stranger send me a message and let the crazy conversations begin... adopt your own virtual pet! I LOVE THIS MAN
Well loads of stuff...i am really into the rave scene and the old school music they play cos u can't get anything much better to go bloody nuts too...i am a huge fan of metal and other alternative forms of rock... things like Silverchair, Linkin Park and other such bands...i like so heavy metal music like Slipknot but im by no means a huge fan...i also like chill out music like the Cafe Del Mar compilations and Deep Forest albums and Massive Attack are pretty good too...i like lots of different types of music really so i'm quite uninteresting in that department... oh well...
Being John Malkovich, Memento, Matrix Trilogy, LOTR Trilogy, Training Day, Trainspotting, Office Space, Super Troopers, Pleasantville, The Cider House Rules, and bloody loads more...
I don't really watch much TV but i love Scrubs and South Park and lots of different cartoons...
Don't really read that much either but John Steinbeck and George Orwell are great authors but i enjoy anything that can keep me interested past the first chapter really...
I don't have any heroes i just believe that everyone has hero like qualities given the right situation...