raging, reading, (w)riting, but not (a)rithmetic
who wrote the book of love, Bizarro, and Tom Waits.
I like good music and bad music, but not horrible music like country. Bloc Party, Gwar, The Asskickers, Pink Floyd, Tool, NOFX (especially like the 18+ minute THE DECLINE), Floater (bad name, good band), Motorhead, Old School Metallica, Gold Chains, Concrete Blonde, The Cure, Joy Division, Tom Waits (that man is a fucking genius and go to hell if you don't think so), and lots more that I don't feel like mentioning right now. Oh, but I FUCKING HATE GREEN DAY and think they are possibly the worst band ever.
I like good movies and really cheesy bad movies. Starship Troopers, Tank Girl, Royal Tenenbaums, The Big Lewbowski, A History of Violence (though the sex scene on the stairwell is a little overmuch), The Original Batman, Tim Burton's Batman, Batman Beigns, Superman 2, Blood Simple, Dark Man, Army of Darkness, Mad Max, The Road Warrior, For a Few Dollars More, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, City of God (quite possibly the best gangster movie out there, watch it and tell me I'm wrong, I can take it), Frailty, The Monster Squad, Grosse Pointe Blank, Better Off Dead, the original Night of the Living Dead, the original Dawn of the Dead, and so many more that I could spend all night typing up the list and not be finished.For the most part, I despise historical recreations, though a few like Braveheart and City of God can be the exceptions. But movies like The Doors, Sid and Nancy, the Alamo (any version), and Titanic suck my ass!
I watch too much tv, but I really don't watch anything. The Simpsons is good, and I like The Daily Show and the Colbert Report as well. Recently I've been watching Boston Legal, mostly because of Shatner, but I'll probably stop watching it soon as it really isn't that good. Curb Your Enthusiasm is my top show right now, but that's "not tv; it's HBO").I hate reality television in all its forms, as well as crime shows like Law and Order and CSI, and anything resembling them.
Catch-22 is my all time favorite novel. I have read it multiple times since discovering it my junior year in high shcool and am rereading it again right now. The Fortress of Solitude, Stephen King's Dark Tower series was pretty good too (though it lost some of its goodness in the last three books, but the first four kick my ass and wipe the floor with me--I've read them all several times as well--and at least the series finally finished), Vernon God Little (a hilarious and scary satire about school shootings, the media and death row in a small Texas town--reccomended reading for anyone who cares about any of these things), American Tabloid, The Cold Six Thousnad, Crime and Punishment, Notes From the Underground, Reservation Blues, Swan Song, and many more I'm sure.I can't stand memoirs, though I am reading one right now that's kinda good, but it's possible I like it just for the title: Another Bullshit Night in Suck City.
Don't really have any heroes; I just don't see the point of placing people on pedestals as they invariably let you down.