Ian profile picture


I'm thinking pussy. The Science Fair is for Queers.

About Me

www.redblueandyou.comYou are Wash (Ship Pilot) Wash (Ship Pilot) 60% Malcolm Reynolds (Captain) 50% Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command) 50% Jayne Cobb (Mercenary) 45% Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic) 40% Alliance 40% River (Stowaway) 35% Derrial Book (Shepherd) 35% Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic) 30% Inara Serra (Companion) 15% A Reaver (Cannibal) 0% You are a pilot with a good
if not silly sense of humor.
You take pride in your collection of toys.
You love your significant other.
Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test

My Interests

raging, reading, (w)riting, but not (a)rithmetic

I'd like to meet:

who wrote the book of love, Bizarro, and Tom Waits.


I like good music and bad music, but not horrible music like country. Bloc Party, Gwar, The Asskickers, Pink Floyd, Tool, NOFX (especially like the 18+ minute THE DECLINE), Floater (bad name, good band), Motorhead, Old School Metallica, Gold Chains, Concrete Blonde, The Cure, Joy Division, Tom Waits (that man is a fucking genius and go to hell if you don't think so), and lots more that I don't feel like mentioning right now. Oh, but I FUCKING HATE GREEN DAY and think they are possibly the worst band ever.


I like good movies and really cheesy bad movies. Starship Troopers, Tank Girl, Royal Tenenbaums, The Big Lewbowski, A History of Violence (though the sex scene on the stairwell is a little overmuch), The Original Batman, Tim Burton's Batman, Batman Beigns, Superman 2, Blood Simple, Dark Man, Army of Darkness, Mad Max, The Road Warrior, For a Few Dollars More, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, City of God (quite possibly the best gangster movie out there, watch it and tell me I'm wrong, I can take it), Frailty, The Monster Squad, Grosse Pointe Blank, Better Off Dead, the original Night of the Living Dead, the original Dawn of the Dead, and so many more that I could spend all night typing up the list and not be finished.For the most part, I despise historical recreations, though a few like Braveheart and City of God can be the exceptions. But movies like The Doors, Sid and Nancy, the Alamo (any version), and Titanic suck my ass!


I watch too much tv, but I really don't watch anything. The Simpsons is good, and I like The Daily Show and the Colbert Report as well. Recently I've been watching Boston Legal, mostly because of Shatner, but I'll probably stop watching it soon as it really isn't that good. Curb Your Enthusiasm is my top show right now, but that's "not tv; it's HBO").I hate reality television in all its forms, as well as crime shows like Law and Order and CSI, and anything resembling them.


Catch-22 is my all time favorite novel. I have read it multiple times since discovering it my junior year in high shcool and am rereading it again right now. The Fortress of Solitude, Stephen King's Dark Tower series was pretty good too (though it lost some of its goodness in the last three books, but the first four kick my ass and wipe the floor with me--I've read them all several times as well--and at least the series finally finished), Vernon God Little (a hilarious and scary satire about school shootings, the media and death row in a small Texas town--reccomended reading for anyone who cares about any of these things), American Tabloid, The Cold Six Thousnad, Crime and Punishment, Notes From the Underground, Reservation Blues, Swan Song, and many more I'm sure.I can't stand memoirs, though I am reading one right now that's kinda good, but it's possible I like it just for the title: Another Bullshit Night in Suck City.


Don't really have any heroes; I just don't see the point of placing people on pedestals as they invariably let you down.

My Blog


so if you haven't yet, check out my blog at redblueandyou.com My author name is ianw. Click on all the posts you see by me, and don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss any of my great posts. hope...
Posted by Ian on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 04:04:00 PST

Spider Man 3, or the movie where everyone cries (even a man made of Sand)

So I saw this on Friday and I was sorely dissapointed. I did not have especially high hopes for it, it is the thirs series in a film after all, but I did have hope. I figured this movie could still be...
Posted by Ian on Sun, 06 May 2007 02:55:00 PST

Super Man 2 Richard Donner cut

Just watched this one and was pretty satisfied with it. The exposure of Clark as Superman is much better (Louis shoots him with a gun, thereby taking out the silly she jumps into Niagra falls only to ...
Posted by Ian on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:36:00 PST


All right, if you haven't seen The Grindhouse yet, go watch it. It's three hours of gore, violence and hilarity. I seriously can't remember when I had so much fun at the movies. It is the perfect "B" ...
Posted by Ian on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:20:00 PST


Saw Transformers the Movie (animated) at the midnight movie tonight. Fuckin' sweet. (Sorry Eric Prime, but I had to watch Optimus Prime get his ass kicked on the big screen). I was really loud and did...
Posted by Ian on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 02:13:00 PST


So the physical act of moving is done, and now it's the fun part. I have to organize my room, but at least I got my bed put together tonight, so that's a plus. now all that is left to do is to put my ...
Posted by Ian on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 09:24:00 PST

whole lotta shit

So I saw a man die at work this week. That sucked. He had a heart attack and was gone. No amount of recessitation would do the trick. I think the most disturbing thing about it was the foam that came ...
Posted by Ian on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 01:20:00 PST

Bush says Israel defeated Hezbollah

Yeah, and the heavy fighting in Iraq is over. Granted, there is a cease-fire in Lebanon now, and steps are being taken to replace the state within a state that was Hezbolah (sp?), but last time I chec...
Posted by Ian on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:40:00 PST

I wish i knew how to align the damn blog

I don't want the words to run all the way to the right. I find this extremely annoying. Anyone have any thoughts on how to change that so it is easier to read my blogs?...
Posted by Ian on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 08:37:00 PST

Fucking Clownshoes

I hate them so much. Just look at this guy. Doesn't he look like he deseves to be beaten with his oversized shoes and shoved into the trunk of his stupid-fucking clown car along will all twenty of hi...
Posted by Ian on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 08:31:00 PST