Those who don't understand why so many people write "loose" when they're trying to spell "lose." If this bothers you, you is who I want to meet. And also people who change the channel when Skip and Steve come on the radio. Fuck those guys. I'll get my engagement rings elsewhere thank you very much. And Larry the Mattress guy needs a good ass-kicking as well.
The Rock, Once, Rumble in the Bronx
Arrested Development (best show in history of TV), Conan, Curb, Office, How I Met Your Mother, Aliens in America, Ali G, 24, It's Always Sunny, Heroes, Next, The Soup, Family Guy, Lakers, Dodgers, UCLA, NFL. I like TV.
Maxim, Stuff, SI, Sporting News, Star, Entertainment Weekly, US Weekly, Sports Weekly. . and Wacky Stories from the Wayside School
is a great show. And I have some of my own - My Dad, Lou. . . Mandy. . . John Wooden. . . Conan. . Those who fight and overcome adversity.