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..3> Hey wAs gOOd...weLL my naMe is jacQueliNe diAz..im 19 yeArs yoUng...born and raised in Los Angeles.. of [saLvadoRian] descent...i lOve to go oUt...daNciNg..liSteNing to muSic...anYthinG frOm...reggaeton,punta,hip-hop,bachata,rnb....a little bit of everything..iM a vEry joYfUl persOn..a bIt serIous aT timEs buT noThing oUt oF the orDinaRy....i loVe to laUgh...seNce oF humOr is a bIg a+ fOr me...iM veRy gOOd aT mEEtinG neW peOple aNd maKing nEw frIendS..im vEry frIendLy...i liKe to taLk aLot..somEtimEs u caNt shUt me uP..esPeciAlly wHen iM laUghIng..buT thaTs juSt me..i haVe to saY im a bIt drAmatIc aT timEs.. buT whO isNt?. im aBout 5'8..yEs im a taLL onE..aVeraGe sIze...niCe boDy..nOt faT oR sKinny..jusT riGht...lol..i like To liVe liFe as bEst as poSSiblE becaUse liFe is to pReciouS to waSte...u goTTa liVe loVe aNd laUgh..leaRn frOm uR paSt aNd liVe thE preSent..thEres noThinG elSe to iT..make thE beSt oUt of it.. thAts aLL foR noW...p.s.mSgs, coMMentS, frIenD reqUest..etC..aRe moRe thaN welcOmed..lol..im oUt..1Love..xoXo..