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About Me

Listen to the sound of the background noise from the world that permeates the insulated walls to your world. It is an invitation; an echo of existence. The motion of change reverberates throughout, understanding all, speaking all. Microtonal frequencies of thought spread to the furthest reaches of our reality, speaking to us in ways that are not understood. Contribution seems insignificant on a scale envisioning the whole. Yet it is inexorable. One's self is defined by those patterns which are familiar. The reciprocity of which being that the pattern is defined by the self. As there is no demarcation in a point, there is no beginning nor an end in sight. It is simply existence in all of its complexity.

My Interests

demolishing and remodelling, bossing everyone around at work, glassblowing, interesting random pictures, watching anime (no dragonball z or pokemon please), wandering around in a drunken daze with only boxers on, playing piano, sniffing glue, shooting up heroine underneath my toenails, camping, chatsworth park - chris woolfolk style, skinny dipping for money, blogging, twirling my hair... im solving problems, im a problem solver!

I'd like to meet:






George W. Bush, for showing me just how wrong one man can be. Ani DiFranco, for making it painfully obvious how fucked up I am. All the assholes in the world, for letting me know that I've got something going for me. Nate, for showing me the ways of the Jedi Contractor. And my friends and family, for being.

My Blog


went for a ride tonight and on the way back home got buzzed by some fuckwad in a sports car. so i figure i have a chance of catching up if the next light is red, so i push them friggin pedals. turns o...
Posted by nadnerb on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 10:11:00 PST

fuck (part 16)

Posted by nadnerb on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 07:07:00 PST


finally got around to doing the val verde/northridge ride! it wasn't nearly as bad as i expected, but man was i glad to be home.crazy, psychotic wind gusts,trees dropping limbs,transformers blowing,ca...
Posted by nadnerb on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 03:24:00 PST

fuck (part 15)

i think my lungs are bleeding.i need another cigarette.fuck.
Posted by nadnerb on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 05:55:00 PST

fuck! (part 14)

sick.blugh.i was sick a couple weeks ago, but only for a total of ~12 i've got some friggin weirdness goin on in my sinuses.let's see how they like getting flushed out every hour on the hour...
Posted by nadnerb on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 01:23:00 PST

dreams are silly (aka fuck part !?!)

especially when you go from having a dream about reincarnation and the binding and unbinding of souls across dimensions; fighting epic battles against gods' elementals and using the wrath of nature as...
Posted by nadnerb on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 06:16:00 PST

proud of myself

didn't quite get the font and some finer points of the layout right, but it's close enough i figgure ;)
Posted by nadnerb on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 09:57:00 PST

unicycle update

this shit is HARD!praticed for about 10 minutes. my legs are jello. but at least i didn't get a snake bite this time ;)
Posted by nadnerb on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 06:07:00 PST

fuck (part XII)

so.... fucking... tired.... AGHin retrospect, i should have gone to sleep at 6 yesterday.
Posted by nadnerb on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 06:43:00 PST

perfecting the art that is pirate music

now my forearm is sore from all those double-beat chords in the right hand.can't stay away from the computer.and for your (or maybe just my) edification: ..
Posted by nadnerb on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 04:39:00 PST