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I like trees. And beer. And the smell of burnt matches.
But if you really want to know about me, let's talk about what I DON'T like - specifically as it relates to myspace.
I don't like the fact that some narrow-minded people see the word "skinhead" in my profile and make one or both of the following assumptions:
1. I'm a raging, frothing at the mouth, out of control, angry NAZI.
2. I am a mindless thug entirely incapable of intelligent discourse.
If you're keeping score, neither is true.
On the first point, let me be clear. There is a difference of Grand Canyon proportions between being Nationalistic and being a Nazi. I am admittedly Nationalistic; I do indeed have that cliche'ed "America: Love it or Leave it" mentality. I think this is the greatest country on earth, and I consider those who hate my country my personal enemies - whether they be uniformed opposition forces or ordinary citizens with attitude problems.
So yeah, as for being Nationalistic, I am guilty as charged. But the last time I checked, America was known worldwide as a cultural melting pot. I embrace America for what it is, and that includes all races and cultures present in this country. My only problem is with those who are here illegally and in violation of our sovereignty and bleeding the taxpayers dry through their abuse of our social services. If that applies to you, then yes, I have a problem with you. But that doesn't make me a racist. It makes me a concerned American citizen who finds it impossible to tolerate lawbreakers being a drag on my society.
Bottom line: America is not a euphemism for WHITE, so for those who think that National Pride is synonymous with White Pride - stop to evaluate and consider your OWN level of ignorance before making assumptions about MINE.
As for the second point listed above, I think I have already indirectly addressed that by way of what I have written thus far.
I also don't like the fact that because I have some pinup girls and car models on my friend list, every fucking skanky piece of shit looking to lure guys to this or that "dating" (read: porn) site feels the need to waste my time with friend requests. I'm sure this is a waste of time because none of these scumbags will take the time to read this, but just in case, let me make the following perfectly clear:
No matter how creative your profile may be, or how hot of a chick you may be, if you send me a friend request and I check out your profile and see a hyperlink to some outside website in your "about me" section, I'm reporting you as a spammer and filing a complaint to get your ass run off of this site. No exceptions. Do people really even still fall for this type of spam bullshit on here these days?
I also don't like it when people try to communicate with me on here and lack the intellectual and/or grammatical ability to string together two coherent sentences. If you are that fucking stupid, I don't want to know you or talk to you. Seriously. Don't be afraid to educate yourself and try again later.
So that's me. Like America - love it or leave it!